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Molpus Woodlands Group
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The Molpus Woodlands Group (MWG) and its sister operating company, Molpus Timberlands Management, LLC, together are one of a small number of timberland investment management organizations in the United States. MWG acquires, manages and eventually sells timberland for clients. The focus of the company is on long-term investments (10+ years) to ensure optimum cash returns and responsible forest stewardship simultaneously. MWG is unique in that its total emphasis is on the development of individualized investment plans for clients utilizing southern forest land in order to diversify their portfolios to reduce volatility.

Our Key Personnel section showcases the breadth of industry knowledge we possess. The history of our company dates back to the turn of the century and demonstrates our stability and success. If you wish to speak with us about timberland investments, please see our Contacts page.

See their comprehensive web site

Their timberland is located in the Eastern half of the USA

For more information about Molpus Woodlands Group, please contact
Michael R. Cooper at [email protected] or 601-948-8733 extension 21.

you are here : index of content - forestry- and forestry investment companies - Molpus Woodlands Group
Web www.hugovandermolen.nl

This website is an activity of Van der Molen Financial Services,
Copyright 2010 f(f): Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen (editor)

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